If you’re shopping around town or browsing the aisles of the Altoona Public Library, you might run into Rory Tegtmeier, a local resident with a great story to tell. For today’s #PeopleofAltoona, we sat down with Rory to learn what makes our community “a lovely place to be.”

Q. How did you come to live in Altoona?
A. “I moved to the Altoona community three years ago, and I’ve been successful at my home and workplace with the support of Balance Autism.”
Q. What do you enjoy most about living here? What are some of your favorite spots around town?
A. “I like living in Altoona! It feels like home; it’s safe and comfortable. Some of my favorite places around town are the Altoona Public Library (for the books and DVD’s), HyVee, Walmart and the Old Navy at the Outlets of Des Moines (where I work). Altoona’s a lovely place to be.”
Q. Does your job have any perks?
A. “Yes! Sometimes, at Old Navy, we get free shirts. Right now, I like my red and green shirts the most.”
Q. When you’re not working, what do you do for fun?
A. “In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball at the park near my house. I also like to read. And I’m look forward to seeing myself in AltoonaNow!”
Q. What makes Altoona a lovely place to be?
A. “My friends. For me, they make this city home.”
For more about living, working and raising a family in Altoona, take a look at our “Living in Altoona” page!
About Balance Autism
Headquartered in Altoona, Balance Autism is the leading autism organization in Iowa, focused entirely on serving individuals and families impacted by autism. Over the last 25 years, they have served more than 1,500 children and adults. With seven locations throughout Iowa, Balance Autism’s clinics provide a unique, research-based program founded on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Learn more.