Advantages of Doing Business at a Transportation Network

What is the best location for your transportation and logistics business?

Obviously, there are many factors to consider, from the local workforce and property taxes to the locations of your manufacturers and end-users. But the most important factor of all is the location’s proximity to a transportation network. This is why many companies are choosing to relocate their business to Altoona, Iowa. 

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Facebook Donates $350,000 to Newly Created East Polk County Relief Fund to Combat the Impact of COVID-19

Press Release

ALTOONA, IA (May 18, 2020)

The East Polk Innovation Collaborative (EPIC), Facebook, and other local partners have moved quickly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to establish the East Polk County Relief Fund to provide direct economic relief to East Polk County small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and residents who are being impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak.

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